Unbreakable (UNB)

Best Unbreakable (UNB) mining profitability calculator based on SHA-256 algorithm with difficulty, hash rate and power consumption.

Unbreakable (UNB)
Mining Block Time5m
Last block33,345
Block Reward50.00
Difficulty (24 hours)2,068K
Difficulty (3 days)2,068K
Difficulty (7 days)2,068K
Network Hashrate29.61 Th/s
Exchange rate (24 hours)0.00000000 (None)
Exchange rate (3 days)0.00000000 (None)
Exchange rate (7 days)0.00000000 (None)
Daily volume0.00 BTC
Market capitalization$0
Creation of 1 BTCInf Days

Unbreakable (UNB) Mining Profit Calculator

Calculate estimated revenues, costs and profits from mining Unbreakable (UNB).


Estimated Profits

Per Estimated reward Revenue, BTC Revenue, $ Cost, $ Profit, $
Hour 1204.656673 0 0 0.35 -0.35
Day 28911.760161 0 0 8.4 -8.4
Week 202382.321127 0 0 58.8 -58.8
Month 809529.284508 0 0 235.2 -235.2

Unbreakable (UNB) Coin Review: Prospects, Income, and Worthiness for Cryptocurrency Miners


As a cryptocurrency miner-enthusiast, I have come across numerous coins that are worth mining, and Unbreakable (UNB) is one of them. UNB is a digital currency that uses the SHA-256 algorithm for its mining process. In this review, I will delve into the advantages and disadvantages of mining UNB, its worthiness, prospects, and potential income.

Advantages of Mining Unbreakable (UNB) Coin:

    1. Stability and Security:

One of the main advantages of mining UNB is its stability and security. UNB uses the SHA-256 algorithm, which is the same algorithm used by Bitcoin, making it highly secure and reliable.

    1. Low Transaction Fees:

UNB has very low transaction fees, making it a cost-effective option for traders and investors. As a miner, this translates into more profits and a better return on investment.

    1. Potential for Price Appreciation:

UNB has a low circulating supply, which means that its price has the potential to appreciate significantly in the future. This presents a good opportunity for miners who are looking to earn more from their mining efforts.

Disadvantages of Mining Unbreakable (UNB) Coin:

    1. Competition:

Due to the popularity of the SHA-256 algorithm, there is stiff competition among miners, which means that mining UNB may not be as profitable as other coins.

    1. Low Liquidity:

UNB has low liquidity, which means that it may not be easy to sell your mined coins. This can be a disadvantage if you are looking to liquidate your coins quickly.

    1. Limited Exchanges:

UNB is only available on a limited number of exchanges, which can be a disadvantage for miners who want to sell their coins on multiple exchanges.

Is It Worth Mining Unbreakable (UNB) Coin?

Based on the advantages and disadvantages outlined above, mining UNB can be a profitable venture for cryptocurrency miners who are willing to take the risk. However, it is important to note that the profitability of mining UNB will depend on various factors, such as the cost of electricity and mining hardware.

Prospects and Income:

The future prospects of UNB are promising, as the cryptocurrency market continues to grow and evolve. UNB has a dedicated development team that is constantly working on improving its technology and increasing its adoption. In terms of income, the profitability of mining UNB will depend on various factors, such as the mining difficulty, price, and cost of mining equipment and electricity. However, with the right mining equipment and low electricity costs, miners can potentially earn a significant income from mining UNB.


In conclusion, Unbreakable (UNB) is a promising digital currency that is worth considering for cryptocurrency miners. It has a secure and stable platform, low transaction fees, and the potential for price appreciation. However, it is important to consider the competition, low liquidity, and limited exchanges when deciding to mine UNB. With the right mining equipment and low electricity costs, miners can potentially earn a significant income from mining UNB. As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, UNB has the potential to become a valuable asset for investors and traders alike.