GroestlCoin (GRS)
Best GroestlCoin (GRS) mining profitability calculator based on Groestl algorithm with difficulty, hash rate and power consumption.
Algorithm | Groestl |
Mining Block Time | 1m 3s |
Last block | 5,366,747 |
Block Reward | 5.00 |
Difficulty (24 hours) | 480,499.091 |
Difficulty (3 days) | 494,231.764 |
Difficulty (7 days) | 503,527.782 |
Network Hashrate | 33.31 Th/s |
Exchange rate (24 hours) | 0.00000546 (CoinEx) |
Exchange rate (3 days) | 0.00000558 (CoinEx) |
Exchange rate (7 days) | 0.00000569 (CoinEx) |
Daily volume | 0.37 BTC |
Market capitalization | $46,388,823 |
Creation of 1 BTC | 30,558.03 Days |
GroestlCoin (GRS) Mining Profit Calculator
Calculate estimated revenues, costs and profits from mining GroestlCoin (GRS).
Estimated Profits
Per | Estimated reward | Revenue, BTC | Revenue, $ | Cost, $ | Profit, $ |
Hour | 0.244218 | 1.0E-6 | 0.13 | 0.05 | 0.09 |
Day | 5.861238 | 3.3E-5 | 3.15 | 1.08 | 2.07 |
Week | 41.028665 | 0.000229 | 22.03 | 7.56 | 14.47 |
Month | 164.11466 | 0.000917 | 88.1 | 30.24 | 57.86 |
Best GroestlCoin (GRS) Mining Hardware
We have analyzed the best GPUs and ASICs for GroestlCoin (GRS) mining. Our calculations will help you choose the most profitable hardware.
List of ASIC Miners
Name | Profit per day, $ |
Baikal BK-G28 | 2.07 |