Hanacoin (HANA)
Best Hanacoin (HANA) mining profitability calculator based on Lyra2REv3 algorithm with difficulty, hash rate and power consumption.
Algorithm | Lyra2REv3 |
Mining Block Time | 1m 40s |
Last block | 1,639,786 |
Block Reward | 25.00 |
Difficulty (24 hours) | 64.408 |
Difficulty (3 days) | 84.816 |
Difficulty (7 days) | 86.623 |
Network Hashrate | 3.99 Gh/s |
Exchange rate (24 hours) | 0.00000000 (None) |
Exchange rate (3 days) | 0.00000000 (None) |
Exchange rate (7 days) | 0.00000000 (None) |
Daily volume | 0.00 BTC |
Market capitalization | $0 |
Creation of 1 BTC | Inf Days |
Hanacoin (HANA) Mining Profit Calculator
Calculate estimated revenues, costs and profits from mining Hanacoin (HANA).
Estimated Profits
Per | Estimated reward | Revenue, BTC | Revenue, $ | Cost, $ | Profit, $ |
Hour | 38.065251 | 0 | 0 | 0.04 | -0.04 |
Day | 913.566021 | 0 | 0 | 1.01 | -1.01 |
Week | 6394.962145 | 0 | 0 | 7.06 | -7.06 |
Month | 25579.848581 | 0 | 0 | 28.22 | -28.22 |